WCDP Women’s Group
1231 Columbus Ave.
Lebanon OH 45036
The WCDP Women’s Group provides a welcoming, safe place for all who identify as women or non-binary.
Join us for our February meeting with social time beginning at 6:00pm/meeting time at 6:30pm. We are excited to have the organizers of the Lebanon Pride Festival to talk about their successes last year and what they have planned for this Spring and for this year’s festival. Please be prepared to make a donation, if possible, and hear about needed volunteers for the July 12, 2025 LEBANON PRIDE FESTIVAL!
We’ll also continue with our planning session to set our activities and agenda for 2025. Bring ideas with you. Hoping the weather will cooperate to allow all our voices to be heard.
Any questions or comments contact Claire Renwick at womensgroup@warrencountydems.org.