HomeWCDP Women’s Group Meeting

WCDP Women’s Group Meeting

July 16, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
WCDP Headquarters
1231 Columbus Ave.
OH 45036

Please join us for our next meeting of the WCDP Women’s Group! Because the first Tuesday of July (our usual meeting date) is right before Independence Day, we’re gathering on the third Tuesday instead. We’re looking forward to an evening of sisterhood and conversation.

We’ll have a social time at 6:00, followed by an informal meeting starting at 6:30. This month, we’ll be helping to prepare for our annual fundraiser gala. Donations are needed and greatly appreciated… find out how you can donate to the silent auction here.

Snacks and beverages (including adult beverages) will be available.

If you have any questions or would like to get more involved, email co-chairs Claire Renwick and Noel Shamleffer at womensgroup@warrencountydems.org.