WCDP Women’s Group Meeting
1231 Columbus Ave.
OH 45036
Please join us for our next meeting of the WCDP Women’s Group, on the first Tuesday of every month! We’re looking forward to an evening of sisterhood and conversation.
Our guest speakers for the evening will be from Moms Demand Action. After they’ve spoken, we’ll be writing postcards to office holders to demand an end to gun violence.
We’ll also be joined by Ben Leikind from the Landsman campaign, who will be talking about the campaign’s ambitious relational organizing plans for this summer and fall.
We’ll have a social time at 6:30, followed by an informal meeting starting at 7:00.
Please join us for this important project as well as an evening of conversation and friendship. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages (including adult beverages) will be available.