HomeWCDP Executive Committee Meeting

WCDP Executive Committee Meeting

The WCDP Executive Committee, which meets at least four times per year, is responsible for the bulk of the ongoing oversight of the county party. It includes all the members of the Central Committee as well as the officers (elected by the Executive Committee) and numerous “at-large” members, who are elected by the existing Executive Committee at the recommendation of the chair. In 2025, we have separated the Executive Committee meetings from our regular monthly meetings, in order to ensure that all of our priorities can have the time and energy they deserve.

Winter Warm-Ups: Springboro

Join us for casual meet and greets at your favorite hangouts throughout the county this winter! Our Winter Warm-Ups are a great way to get to know other like-minded people and stay in the know. Look for us with the WCDP sign in the seated area if tables are available, or meet us in the bar area.

Winter Warm-Ups: Lebanon

Join us for casual meet and greets at your favorite hangouts throughout the county this winter! Our Winter Warm-Ups are a great way to get to know other like-minded people and stay in the know. Look for us with the WCDP sign in the seated area if tables are available, or meet us in the bar area.

Winter Warm-Ups: Mason

Join us for casual meet and greets at your favorite hangouts throughout the county this winter! Our Winter Warm-Ups are a great way to get to know other like-minded people and stay in the know. Look for us with the WCDP sign in the seated area if tables are available, or meet us in the bar area.

Political Nonfiction Book Club

Join the Warren County Democratic Party’s nonfiction book club, meeting on the last Friday of every month from 2:00-3:00pm at the Lebanon Public Library! This month’s book will be Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America & the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan.

Political Nonfiction Book Club

Join the Warren County Democratic Party’s nonfiction book club, meeting on the last Friday of every month from 2:00-3:00pm at the Lebanon Public Library!

Political Nonfiction Book Club

Join the Warren County Democratic Party’s nonfiction book club, meeting on the last Friday of every month from 2:00-3:00pm at the Lebanon Public Library! Our book for January will be War by Bob Woodward.

MLK Coalition – 40th Annual MLK Day Event

The Warren County Democratic Party is proud to be a sponsor for the MLK Community Coalition of Lebanon and their 40th annual MLK Day Event! Join us for the 40th annual MLK Day event on Monday, January 20, 2025 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Lebanon.

WCDP Women’s Group

The WCDP Women’s Group provides a welcoming, safe place for all who identify as female or non-binary. Join us for our January meeting on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 with social time beginning at 6:00 pm / meeting time at 6:30 pm. We are thrilled to have a speaker from the Martin Luther King, Jr.

WCDP Women’s Group

The WCDP Women’s Group provides a welcoming, safe place for all who identify as women or non-binary. Join us for our February meeting with social time beginning at 6:00pm/meeting time at 6:30pm. We are excited to have the organizers of the Lebanon Pride Festival to talk about their successes last year and what they have planned for this Spring and for this year’s festival.