Get Involved
Things won’t change in Warren County, in Ohio, or in our country unless we step up to make the change. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Here’s how we can work together to make Warren County, the state of Ohio, and America better.
Get Out the Vote
It’s crunch time, and the stakes are high. 2024 is going to be a crucial election that will decide which way America goes: Will we remain a strong democratic republic, a bulwark of freedom for the entire world, where all people are free to live their own lives? Or will we fall into tyranny, aligning with dictators and fascists, allowing one leader to stand above the law and allowing the far-right to decide what everyone in America will be allowed to do, read, or think?
If we’re going to protect our freedoms, we all have to do our part to get out the vote.
We’ve got jobs for extroverts and introverts alike… no job is too small. Even if you’ve only got a few free hours, we’ve got something for you to do.
Register to vote!
If you’re a Warren County resident who’s eligible to vote but aren’t registered yet, or need to change your voting address after moving, you can register online!
To register to vote online, you’ll need your name, date of birth, address, your Ohio driver’s license or Ohio identification card number, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. If you don’t have one or more of those, you’ll need to fill out and print this form and send it to the Warren County Board of Elections.
The next election will be the 2024 general election on November 5, 2024. The voter registration deadline for that election is Monday, October 7, 2024.
Click here for more information about how to register and vote in Warren County.
Know Your Elected Officials
Our elected officials’ job is to work in our interest. Our job is to let them know what we want, and hold them accountable. It’s important that we know who represents us and what they’re doing, and that we let them know that we’re keeping an eye on them to make sure they’re serving all of the community.
Warren County state and local elected officials listing
Look up your elected officials by district
It’s also important that we have a strong showing at local government meetings, to keep up to date on what our local officials are up to. The other side is more than happy to use local government to enact their far-right extremist policies while the local community isn’t paying attention.
List of upcoming local government meetings
Run for Office or Join a Local Board
Have you ever been to a local government or school board meeting and thought, “I could do a better job than those jokers”?
Now’s your chance. Democracy means “rule by the people.” That doesn’t just mean that the people choose who will govern them… it’s also about the ordinary people who step up to take responsibility and make our community work.
If you aren’t sure where to start, we’re happy to help you get started and we’ll have your back throughout the process. Get in touch with us or fill out the form below to get started.
If you aren’t ready yet for the commitment of running for office and seeing your name on yard signs, consider joining a community board or commission. Most of these positions aren’t elected, but appointed based on who applies… and more often than not, they’re eager for passionate people to get involved. These local boards and commissions can play a big role in helping our community run smoothly. Here’s a list of local boards and commissions in Warren County.
Get Involved in the Party
The Warren County Democratic Party doesn’t have any paid employees. Our budget goes to keeping the lights on at our party headquarters, supporting our ongoing programs, and helping local Democratic candidates.
That means we’re 100% volunteer-driven… and the more people are pitching in, the more we can do!
Make a financial contribution to the Warren County Democratic Party.
Please fill out the form below to indicate where you might be able to work with us.