Home Latest UpdatesWe Want *YOU* for the Central Committee!

We Want *YOU* for the Central Committee!

Have you seen the mess Republicans are making in Warren County and in Ohio? Do you want to get more deeply involved in taking our state back from the far-right extremists who have taken it over? Do you think you can organize Democrats in your neighborhood?

ANNOUNCEMENT: New WCDP Headquarters!

After an extensive search and negotiation, we’ve found a new headquarters location for the Warren County Democratic Party!

2021 General Election

Congratulations to all the like minded candidates who won Tuesday. Thank you for your dedication to public service and your commitment to our communities.

For those who came up short, thank you for caring deeply about our communities and running for office.

Quilt Drawing

The Quilting D’s have been busy! We’ll be awarding a fantastic quilt, called “Home,” at our November 17 meeting. Click “Read More” to see the quilt and find out how you can buy tickets.