Phonebank with Supreme Court Candidate Terri Jamison

Judge Terri Jamison is running for the Ohio Supreme Court to work hard to ensure accountability so that all Ohioans are equally protected under the law. Come hear her speak before heading into making critical get out the vote calls for her and and all the other Ohio Democratic candidates on the ballot!
After Judge Jamison concludes speaking and takes some Q+A, we’ll head right into phone banking. Don’t worry if you’ve never phone banked before: You’re in good hands! We’ll provide comprehensive training for those unfamiliar with political calls but want to play this important role in Ohio Dems winning in November.
This event sponsored by the ODP’s Workers First Campaign. The Workers First Campaign works in tandem with candidates at all levels to tell the story of how Ohio Dems are fighting for working families and to turn out the vote for Democratic candidates this fall.