Phonebank for Nan Whaley with Cheryl Stephens

Ohio’s next Lieutenant Governor Cheryl Stephens is a proven leader from Northeast Ohio who’s ready to take on big challenges facing working families in our state and make sure all of our communities can thrive. Come listen to Cheryl’s message and then help us make critical calls to get out the vote for her and all the other Ohio Democrats on the ballots afterwards!
After Cheryl concludes speaking and takes some questions from attendees, we’ll head right into phone banking. Don’t worry if you’ve never phone banked before: You’re in good hands! We’ll provide comprehensive training for those unfamiliar with political calls but want to play this important role in Ohio Dems winning in November.
This event series is put on by a partnership between the Whaley for Governor Campaign, the Ohio Workers First Campaign, and the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus.