Home Latest UpdatesCongratulations to Joy Bennett, HD-56 Nominee!

Congratulations to Joy Bennett, HD-56 Nominee!

Congratulations Joy Bennett, HD56 Nominee!

We’d like to congratulate our new District 56 nominee Joy Bennett on a hard-won victory in last night’s primary. We’re ready and eager to do what it takes to help you win and start taking back our state house!

We’d also like to thank Sam Cao for running such a positive and energetic campaign. This was one of the friendliest primaries we’ve ever seen with two fantastic candidates, and it’s a shame we could only go forward with one. We’re really looking forward to seeing what Sam will do in the future!

With Joy Bennett’s victory last night, we now have a complete ticket:

To learn more about our great ticket of candidates, visit the 2022 Candidates page on our website!